Friday, March 2, 2012

Zesty Taco/Chili Soup

1 lb hamburger
1 8oz can El Pato Sauce**
2 14oz canned chopped tomatoes
1 16oz can corn (I use frozen corn for it's freshness. Just fill up the empty chili can to measure)
1 16oz can chili with beans
1 16oz can kidney beans (optional)
1/2 pkg taco seasoning mix

Toppings include:
Tortilla chips
Sour cream

**El Pato sauce is a spicy tomato sauce, and can be found in most grocery stores in the "ethnic" food section. If you can't find it, or want a milder substitute 1 8oz can Tomato Sauce and add 1/4 teas each of chili powder, cayenne, garlic, and onion.

Fry hamburger in a large saucepan, and drain. Put hamburger back in the pan, and add the rest of the ingredients.
Bring to a boil, and simmer for 20 minutes.
Serve with grated cheese, corn chips, and sour cream.
Don't use a spoon! Use chips!

This soup also freezes well. Place soup in individual serving ziplock bags and freeze!

(I couldn’t find the El Pato spicy tomato sauce. I could only find the El Pato Hot Sauce. So I used the suggestion of substituting the 8 oz. tomato sauce and adding the spices. Then I also added ¼ cup of the El Pato Hot Sauce. We loved it!)

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